Every year, the Richard Hirschmann foundation honors outstanding performance in communications engineering, based on exam results and a personal application letter. Considered can be Electrical Engineering and Information Technology students, with a focus on bachelor studies in communication subjects.
In July, the Institute of Radio Frequency Communications (Hochfrequenztechnik, IHF) and the Institute of Telecommunications (Nachrichtenübertragung), together with the members of the foundation council (Stiftungsrat) have selected this year's award winners to be Arnold Bistri, Mario Faigle, Tim Lindenau, Pascal Schlachter and Tim Schneider. Congratulations!
The award ceremony took place on 21.07.2021 at the Campus of the Hirschmann companies in Neckartenzlingen (Hirschmann Car Communication/TE, Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH/Belden). The photo above shows one of the award winners, Tim Schneider, with Prof. Stephan ten Brink.
For further information on the Richard Hirschmann award, the involved companies, and how to get considered for this award, you may check out the corresponding Website by our wireless communication fellows at the Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik (IHF), see link below
Further Information on the Richard Hirschmann award at the Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik, IHF