Scientific impact
Scientific impact
INÜ researchers contribute to international conferences and scientific journals, frequently with student co-authors. Papers are published in diverse areas such as wireless communications, coding, machine learning and user localization.
Math and measurements
Math and measurements
At INÜ, theoretical results are backed by field measurements and practical experience is obtained with the help of prototypes.
Making 5G work in industrial environments
Making 5G work in industrial environments
INÜ researchers visited KUKA to perform noise and interference measurements. Moving robots and heavy-duty welding processes challenge the robustness of wireless communications. INÜ is at the forefront of understanding and mitigating those effects.
Student theses
Student theses
Each year, more than thirty student theses are supervised by the INÜ team. Get in touch with a research staff member if you are interested in writing your next thesis with us!

Welcome to the Institute of Telecommunications

Research and teaching at the institute are centered around communications from here to there (telecommunications) or from now to later (storage). We investigate fundamental mathematical concepts and evaluate their practical feasibility through demonstrators and proof of concepts. Our research is funded by government agencies such as the German Research Council (DFG) and prestigious industry partners such as Nokia Bell Labs and Sony.

Are you a student looking for a challenge? Interested in math, hardware, and programming?
Get in touch with one of us or attend one of our courses and labs!


Research and teaching at the institute are supported by an extensive list of webdemos, in which users can "play" with relevant concepts and algorithms. Two randomly chosen example outputs are shown below. Click on the link for a full list of all available webdemos.


Complete list of available webdemos


This image shows Stephan ten Brink

Stephan ten Brink

Prof. Dr.-Ing.


This image shows Christian  Senger

Christian Senger


Deputy Director

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