The INUE conducts state-of-the-art research on a variety of topics in the field of communications including signal processing and machine learning.
For interested students, we offer Bachelor‘s, Master‘s, Research and Seminar Thesis topics.
While we do not maintain a global list of topics, the individual staff members can provide interesting open topics.
You may contact them directly. Please provide relevant information about yourself such as your attended lectures and labs, as well as your topic preferences and interests.
You are free to contact us whenever it suits your curriculum best, as we are not bound to the semesters. However, most often, topics become available at the beginning of the semester, i.e., March/April and September/October.
A thesis topic is typically offered by one or more of our research staff members.
The best approach for success is to inform yourself about the institute and the different topics each staff member offers – see their descriptions.
Then, send authentic (not ChatGPT-generated) and specific emails to the staff members of the topic or field you are interested in pursuing.
Make sure to include:
- the lectures you have attended – in particular those offered by the INUE (See list lectures)
- your interests and preferences or anything else you think is useful for us to know (hardware/software thesis, theory or „hands-on“ etc.).
Of course, you are also welcome to just stop by the institute and talk with us directly while enjoying a cup of our excellent coffee...
- No generic messages (such as „Dear Professor XX...“ to staff members)
- Write an authentic message (no ChatGPT)
- Be informed about the institute and topics
- Have attended some of our lectures (two or more preferred)
Sometimes it is possible to propose your own topic by contacting a suitable staff member with your idea.
Please make sure any topic you suggest falls into the staff member's respective area of interest or is, in general, an INUE related topic.
It may be possible to conduct a Research Thesis externally, but not the Master or Bachelor Thesis.
If you already have a topic with an external organization which suits our area of research and is properly documented, please contact Professor ten Brink, providing title/abstract of the proposed project, and a contact at the respective company (who is "in the know" about your plan of proposing this as a research thesis).
Note: The contact needs to have an academic degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or another closely related field, to ensure scientific quality of the project.
Usually, we do not offer positions for student researchers („HiWis“). However, we may have open positions for the supervision of our lab courses available to those who have successfully completed the lab.
As the lab courses are offered during the lecture periods, a good time for applying is around August/September for the winter term and March/April for the summer term.
Please contact Ephraim Fuchs for more information.
For general questions on student thesis at INUE please contact:

Dorothee Buchau

Katharina Geng