We will offer lectures "almost as usual" this Winter Term, additionally to the digital lecture material as done during the past 3 semesters. See details below.
Due to the COVID distancing rules and uncertainty about the developments in the upcoming months, traditional on-site lectures ("Präsenzvorlesungen") still turn out to be difficult, but we understand that teaching in physical presence can
provide a much better level of motivation and engagement on both sides.
We want to give you a similar experience as going to a music festival! Well, not quite, but you know what we mean...
In Winter Term 2021/2022, we offer our new "meet-the-lecturer" series of events. Here the details:
- each course ("Vorlesung") typically is composed of 14 individual lectures, i.e., one per week
- all teaching material will be available online prior to the scheduled lecture
- lectures notes/slides (pdf)
- annotated lecture notes/slides (pdf),
- lecture videos, one per topic or per week (mp4)
- in the scheduled lecture slot, the lecturer will be present in the lecture hall in order to go through the current topics, illustrate, explain, answer questions, outline pitfalls, provide technical support etc... to everybody who is present
- you can interactively talk to a REAL person... isn't that... a little crazy? after all those months...? make use of this offer!
- Besides
- visiting the on-site lectures is optional but recommended
- there will be no new material discussed during the on-site lectures, but rather, 2-4 topics per individual lecture will be illustrated in more detail
- the lecturer will seek to generate some added-value during the on-site lecture
- you do NOT need to watch the respective video lecture prior to the on-site lecture
- [in the "flipped classroom" spirit, you may opt to watch some video lectures prior to the on-site lecture, so you can ask more, or more concise questions during the on-site lecture; totally up to you]
- all relevant material is available online in pdf and mp4, so a fully remote, offline attendance of the lectures is no problem, and has worked well during SS2020, WS2020/21, SS2021. In particular, our average exam grades have not shown any impact of switching from on-site to "digital"
- in fact: the annotated lecture notes (pdf) is all you need to succeed in the exam (many did so before); but, of course, the videos and the on-site lectures may be helpful; we recommend you make use of these offers
As of today, courses offered as a "meet-the-lecturer" event are
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (GdP)
- Übertragungstechnik I
- Communications
- Communications III
- Information Theory (planned: on-site bi-weekly)
More information will be shared during the Winter Term through the respective ILIAS courses. Register for the modules in Campus early on in order to not miss any updates.
We hope to meet many of you in person in the lecture hall (usual distancing rules, masks etc. apply, cf. https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/universitaet/aktuelles/meldungen/corona/).