This image shows Florian Euchner

Florian Euchner


Research Assistant
Institute of Telecommunications


+49 711 685 67937
+49 711 685 67929

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.348


My research interests are:

  • Wireless telecommunication systems and Software Defined Radio
  • Massive MIMO and distributed massive MIMO, channel modelling for massive MIMO
  • Channel Charting, a deep learning-based framework for reconstructing a map of the physical environment purely based on wireless channel measurements
  • Low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs): Cross-layer protocol design, security, coding, end device architecture
  • Raytracing for wireless systems

Currently, I'm focusing on the development of our distributed massive MIMO channel sounder DICHASUS and working with CSI datasets, often in the context of Channel Charting.

  1. 2023

    1. P. Stephan, F. Euchner, and S. ten Brink, “Angle-Delay Profile-Based and Timestamp-Aided Dissimilarity Metrics for Channel Charting,” 2023.
    2. F. Euchner, P. Stephan, and S. ten Brink, “Augmenting Channel Charting with Classical Wireless Source Localization Techniques,” 2023.
    3. F. Euchner, T. Schneider, M. Gauger, and S. ten Brink, “ESPARGOS: An Ultra Low-Cost, Realtime-Capable Multi-Antenna WiFi Channel Sounder,” 2023.
    4. J. Hoydis et al., “Learning Radio Environments by Differentiable Ray Tracing,” 2023.
  2. 2022

    1. F. Euchner, P. Stephan, M. Gauger, and S. ten Brink, “Channel Sounder with Over-the-Air Antenna Synchronization: Absolute Phase and Timing Calibration Using Known Transmitter Locations,” European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2022.
    2. F. Euchner, N. Süppel, M. Gauger, S. Dörner, and S. ten Brink, “Deep Learning for Uplink CSI-based Downlink Precoding in FDD massive MIMO Evaluated on Indoor Measurements,” 2022 [Online]. Available:
    3. F. Euchner, P. Stephan, M. Gauger, and S. ten Brink, “Geometry-Based Phase and Time Synchronization for Multi-Antenna Channel Measurements,” 2022.
    4. F. Euchner, P. Stephan, M. Gauger, S. Dörner, and S. ten Brink, “Improving Triplet-Based Channel Charting on Distributed Massive MIMO Measurements,” 23rd IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 2022.
  3. 2021

    1. F. Euchner, M. Gauger, S. Dörner, and S. ten Brink, “A Distributed Massive MIMO Channel Sounder for ‘Big CSI Data’-driven Machine Learning,” in 25th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2021), Sophia Antipolis, France, 2021.
    2. F. Euchner and C. Senger, “PERIDOT Codes: Replacing Identifiers, Sequence Numbers and Nonces with Permutations,” in 30th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC 2021), Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 2021.
  • Summer Semester 2021: Fachpraktikum Bachelor "Digitale Nachrichtenübertragung"
  • Winter Semester 2021/22: Communications III Exercise
  • Summer Semester 2022: Space-Time Wireless Communications Exercise
  • Winter Semester 2022/23: Communications III Exercise
  • Summer Semester 2023: Space-Time Wireless Communications Exercise
  • Winter Semester 2023/24: Wireless Communications Exercise
  • Summer Semester 2024: Space-Time Wireless Communications Exercise
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