+49 711 685 67929
Business card (VCF)
Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.335
Code-based Cryptography
The use of quantum computers exposes classical cryptographic systems, which are based on the
difficulty of prime factorization, to vulnerabilities that can be attacked.
A prominent alternative, which appears robust even in a quantum computer-dominated world, are
error correction code-based systems.
At the moment I am working on the McEliece cryptosystem based on Goppa codes. The asymmetric encryption scheme based on the McElice cryptosystem is one of the Fourth Round Candidate Algorithms of NISTs Post Quantum Cryptography project.
My current research interests are:
- Algebraic codes
- Code-based cryptography
- Machine learning in the context of digital communication
- Winter term 2022/2023: Master Lab Course "Multimedia Communications"
- Summer term 2023: Master Lab Course "Multimedia Communications"
- Winter term 2023/2024: Wireless Communications
- Summer term 2024: Master Lab Course "Multimedia Communications"
- Winter term 2024/2025: Wireless Communications